Friday, August 22, 2014

My Faith in Civilization is Shaken....Kinda.

On Monday I decided that I needed a bookshelf for my room as the floor had outgrown its usefulness as a method of storage. I have had shelves before that did not hold up very well so I decided to actually go to a furniture store and get a good one.  Upon reaching the store I quickly discovered that people do not really go to these types of stores to look for a bookshelf.  They had 1 and it was not stocked in their warehouse.  The floor model was the only one.  What has happened to people that they do not need at least one bookshelf in their home? This is really not the point of this post though.

I was quickly drawn away to look at the recliners of which they had several.  Apparently people do lots of slothing but not reading these days.  I tested out several as I am also mulling over purchasing a recliner.  I found a double recliner that shook my faith in the future of the world.  The recliner was electric.  It did not require one to raise the foot rest with their own strength or releasing a spring.  It had a simple button in place of the lever that has always been a staple on any recliner.  I have to wonder if this sort of convenience is going to far in removing all physical exertion in the name of comfort and relaxation.  I do want to admit however that I will be purchasing one of these recliners in the future at the expense of my own moral rightness. But after all, I do enjoy slothing as a hobby.  

If you were wondering, I did buy that bookshelf but not before negotiating the salesman down about 20%.  

Monday, August 11, 2014

How I came to be a Suspected Drug Dealer

This past Friday I found myself in quite a predicament.  I was experiencing the worst headache of my life and could not seem to find any relief with the methods suggested to me by the hospital during my extended stay just a week ago.  I proceeded to call the neurologist, lets call him Dr. DEA,  that was in charge of my treatment for help.  After nearly an hour I was told "Since Dr. DEA has not seen you he can not provide you any treatment or prescribe you any medication." They then told me to go to the Emergency Room so that they could give me medicine for my nausea and pain.  They then terminated the phone call.  I was a little confused because I did not think that I had mentioned being nauseated.  I may have though.  I was in no state to be very attentive to my language.  I was a little confused as well because he had seen me in the hospital.

I then made several phone calls to my primary care physician, lets call him Dr. Helpful, and got ahold of a nurse, lets call her Nurse Lecture.  After explaining my situation and Nurse Lecture lecturing me for a few minutes about how it was nearly time for her to leave, the Dr. Helpful agreed to stay late and review my situation too see if he could help. Dr. Helpful called me back at about 4:15, after reviewing the files he could get St. Vincent's to send him, (his business hours end at 4:00) to discuss what he had just read and see if he could help.  We discussed my situation for several minutes before he read to me that I was already prescribed a drug that would have helped immensely.  This prescription was news to me since I had specifically asked about prescriptions while being discharged because I imagined a situation similar to this one.  It struck me now that Dr. DEA likely thought I already had prescription strength medication and that I was seeking more to sell or abuse. I am likely on some sort of drug abusing watch list now because of it.

Dr. Helpful is not one to prescribe drugs of this type under usual circumstances.  He also rarely if ever prescribes one of this intensity.    After discussing it further and him expressing genuine concern for me he agreed to write me a prescription that would help me get through the weekend.  Win for Shelly and being able to function.  Just to note, it was not a high level of functioning but it would have been horrific otherwise. And a thank you must go out to my friend, Mike, for driving me to pick up the medication as driving had become kind of impossible at this point

The real question is what happened to leave me in that condition and seeking help? It was seen fit by the neurologist to give me medication for my condition and potential complications. Upon being discharged however the prescription must not have shown up in my records because my discharge papers differ from those seen by Dr. Helpful. Dr. DEA may have looked at my file and decided to add a prescription but the nurse had already discharged me.  It would seem that some sort of failing in protocol occured.  I could have understood if they contacted me via phone in some way to say they thought I might need something to ease they pain that I was sure to experience.  Maybe I am wrong. If anybody reading this might be able to shine some light on this situation please do so.  Also does anybody know if the watchlists that I mentioned above actually exist?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Reason for Creation

I guess I should open with an explanation as to why I have decided to create this blog.  In the interest of being completely honest, I urge all of you that may be easily offended to continue reading and then be extremely upset.  Do not worry, I will do my best to make all of you laugh and cry in later posts.

On August 1, 2014 I became rather ill and could not really hold myself up after having a ringing in my ear for several days.  I got violently sick due to being severely dizzy.  Upon finally reaching the hospital I had to be lifted out of the vehicle because I could not support myself.  The doctor in the Emergency Room ordered several drugs for the dizziness and vomiting.  The one that finally kicked the symptoms was Valium.

Once the symptoms subsided I got the distinct privilege of getting to take part in an MRI.  This was one of the worst 30 minute periods of my life.  The machine is loud and will make anybody claustrophobic.  Afterward the doctor had the test results read rather quickly and gave me what has so far proven to be life changing news.  He told me that the test showed a mass that is fairly deep in my brain, in the thalamus region.

I was a little shocked but kept my cool well enough to make a very inappropriate joke to a few people via text messages.  I am truly sorry to those who received this.  It was a little insensitive.  I proceeded to spend the next 30 hours in 2 different hospitals, with an ambulance ride between them, being poked, prodded, injected, scanned, and even electrocuted at one point.  I was eventually allowed to leave with the instructions to follow up with an army of doctors for more tests and examinations.  Since I then I have had headaches nearly daily and have been prescribed medication for them.

They have concluded that my condition is one to be monitored to tell if it is necessary to take further action.  I may have had the mass for years or even my whole life or it may be something new.  I am looking forward to future MRI's and blood tests.

The fact that there are several people who wanted to know this story and any new developments has become exhausting to tell individually has led to the creation of this blog.  I am warmed by the fact that the number of people who care and are concerned for me is too great for me to individually address.

Now obviously that would make this blog kinda dreary and I wouldn't even wanna read that myself.  That says a lot because if there is anything I enjoy most its talking about me.  So to cut through that you can also expect opinion editorial pieces from none other than me.  I also hope that you will post lots of comments to keep the conversation going.